Gaming the niche hobby for trans and gays?

One thing is becoming overwhelmingly and alarmingly true is that this gaming hobby is becoming a nest for those who are confused with both themselves and reality. And for that my attention must be recalibrated and maybe even possibly adjourned. Yes, I am willing to give up this past time if we do not get more testosterone and well equipped women to dominate and squirm out the cowards and mentally fragile.

So help me if I click one more translator or dev journal only to find a long haired mutant with an obvious adams apple in place, its absolutely disgusting! its also the pungent and downright shameful applause on the twitch platform. No I do not want to go through any conversations with you, your brain is misaligned and you need therapy in the worst way.

A human that refuses to play the cards its dealt is a not a person worth my time.

You rolled the dice, you accept the numbers that are displayed and you do not ask for the numbers to be modified or altered, the decision is final and complete. God made you perfectly, every flaw, and every perfection meant to be worked on and worked through. See this human body is not a one stop quick fix objective. No we are laborious creatures and we must work tirelessly to overcome and resolve our struggles.

I simply can not and will not encounter a person who defiantly snubs their nose at God and rebukes the almighty creator His perfect work.

So gaming to me is still a passion and a past time, but I do have a lot of work to do for weeding out the community, or at least creating a space where heterosexuals are free to enjoy it without the bombardment of the trans a gay community.

About Trevor Markiv

wandering the cosomos trying to blast galaxies and find the stars.
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